
First blog post

          Thanks for taking the time out to read my blog. You could be breaking down today’s plays but you chose to be here supporting another trader. I think it will be worth your while whether you are new to trading or even an experienced trader. Again Thank you.

My first blog will be centered around 2 main principles I feel are paramount to the long term success and longevity of being what we all would give an arm and a leg to become…A Consistently Profitable Day-Trader. The two concepts I will speak upon are…1. Willpower & 2. Grace. Grace and trading is not a common theme so…let me explain.


A bit about me…

I will start off by saying that I myself am not A profitable trader yet, edging towards year one of trading live I have blown 3 $500 account with $14k buying power. I know this isn’t really a fair chance for myself, but hey, i’m a broke college kid saving every penny. Soon I will adequately fund my account and give myself a real shot, but for now i’m building my database and finding what I like trading more through paper trading. I was going all around the place longing small caps, shorting large caps, swinging, scalping, you name it and I’ve done it. I believe this helps me in the long run understand a vast amount of trading perspectives. I am finding comfort in shorting stocks, although I am new to it I learned how to read filings prettyyy fast. So I am both a fundamentalist as well as a technician.


Will Power

Willpower is a very very misunderstood force. It is a very important part of you that you must learn to build upon to trade successfully. Without Will you cannot succeed. You can make the best trading rules known to man, but without Willpower, temptation, and pure human error will cause you to break the rules. Risk management is nothing without the Will to follow through. Having the patience to wait until YOUR striking range will only be accomplished through, you guessed it WILLPOWER. Once you put the hours and hours of learning the market, I feel this is the last task that will last forever.



First off, what is grace? Webster says grace is “Simple elegance or refinement of

movement.” The topic most relevant to this in my opinion would be forcing trades. You CANNOT force trades over and over and over and still be profitable. A forced trade means you are entering the trade on false or made up signals. When I trade I like to emulate the Pros. I don’t picture them getting in, than getting out, to get back in because its now going their way. I see them casually entering as there signal is confirmed, waiting for an exit signal, and casually exiting. Whether for a large profit or a small loss, they will still be emotionally stable. Gracefully taking trades when your edge shows itself is an important skill to develop, but to do this you MUST know your setups and not just 100% take trades on “Gut feeling”. I have setups based on time of day and fundamentals within my niche. Not fully graceful, but I can say i’m slowly getting there with time.


Trading is not easy, and i’m pretty sure you know this already.